I’m an infosec nerd, red teamer, offensive engineer, CTFer, and former software engineer.
I sometimes write security-focused software (this is probably the best one I've made github.com/SnaffCon/Snaffler), blog posts, VulnVM and CTF writeups. Here are some interesting ones:
This was originally published in the Kult of the Cyber Witch Zine, issue 01: https://kultofthecyberw.itch.ioitch.io/ Dependencies During Development: Barely Managing Software relies on dependencies, but managing them is a hard problem. They quickly become numerous and interwoven, stacking up technical debt and hiding serious vulnerabilities under mountains of abstraction. But disaster can be avoided by taking a regimented approach to inclusion, identification, and remediation. So, why is dependency management so hard?
Why Understanding Your Application's Language is Important: PlaidCTF 2019
A walkthrough for the W1R3S: 1.0.1 vulnerable VM by SpecterWires from Vulnhub
Email: ‘morgaine @ [this-domain]’
Github: Sh3r4
LinkedIN: Morgaine