Morgaine Timms:

The Blog

I’m an infosec nerd, red teamer, offensive engineer, CTFer, and former software engineer.

I sometimes write security-focused software (this is probably the best one I've made, blog posts, VulnVM and CTF writeups. Here are some interesting ones:

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Dependencies During Development

Barely Managing
series: KotCW zine devops blog ReadTime:4

This was originally published in the Kult of the Cyber Witch Zine, issue 01: Dependencies During Development: Barely Managing Software relies on dependencies, but managing them is a hard problem. They quickly become numerous and interwoven, stacking up technical debt and hiding serious vulnerabilities under mountains of abstraction. But disaster can be avoided by taking a regimented approach to inclusion, identification, and remediation. So, why is dependency management so hard?

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series: Plaid2019 misc python CTFs blog ReadTime:5

Why Understanding Your Application's Language is Important: PlaidCTF 2019

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W1R3S Walkthrough

a vulnerable VM by SpecterWires from Vulnhub
vulnhub vm walkthrough blog writeups ReadTime:6

A walkthrough for the W1R3S: 1.0.1 vulnerable VM by SpecterWires from Vulnhub

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Email: ‘morgaine @ [this-domain]’
Github: Sh3r4
LinkedIN: Morgaine

Infosec Experience

If you're interested, email me to request my CV!

Developer Experience

  • Golang
    • Custom dependency management tooling
    • Graph database visualisation
  • C#
    • WPF Desktop Applications
    • SharePoint applications
  • typeScript / javaScript
    • web-based code editor
    • custom code completion engine
  • python
    • academic test delivery platform
    • psychology/neurology study data collection
  • SQL
    • complex data migrations
    • investigation and reconstruction of damaged datasets