AngstromCTF2019: Classy Cipher

AngstromCTF2019: Classy Cipher

The Challenge

Classy Cipher Crypto 20 > Every CTF starts off with a Caesar cipher, but we’re more classy.

Author: defund


The linked file is a simple python script.

from secret import flag, shift

def encrypt(d, s):
    e = ''
    for c in d:
        e += chr((ord(c)+s) % 0xff)
    return e

assert encrypt(flag, shift) == ':<M?TLH8<A:KFBG@V'

The Solution

The python script rotates characters by an unknown amount. The character rotation must be less than 255 (the ASCII range) as enforced by ​% 0xff​ in the ​encrypt()​ function.

The rotation can be calculated because the first 4 values of the flag are known:

​:<M?must be ​actf

The easiest way to calculate the shift is using the encrypt() algorithm to compare the known characters.

def shift_test(have, want):
    for x in range(255):
        tested = encrypt(want, x)
        if tested == have:
            return x

After calculating the rotation, a lookup table can be created for all ascii values and used to decipher the ciphertext

def generate_table(shift):
    table = {}
    # generate all ascii chars
    for x in range(255):
        # get the key and its cipher equivalent
        key = chr(x)
        cipheredKey = encrypt(key,shift)
        # add to table
        table[cipheredKey] = key
    return table

def decipher(ciphertext, shift):
    lookup = generate_table(shift)
    out = ''
    for char in ciphertext:
        out += lookup[char]
    return out

Combining the above scripts reveals the flag:

  • The rotation was 216
  • The flag is actf{so_charming}

Here is the script I used, commented for clarity

#from secret import flag, shift

def encrypt(d, s): e = '' for c in d: e += chr((ord©+s) % 0xff) return e

#assert encrypt(flag, shift) == ':<M?TLH8<A:KFBG@V'

# test for the correct shift def shift_test(have, want): for x in range(255): tested = encrypt(want, x) if tested == have: return x

def generate_table(shift): table = {} # generate all ascii chars for x in range(255): # get the key and its cipher equivalent key = chr(x) cipheredKey = encrypt(key,shift) # add to table table[cipheredKey] = key return table

def decipher(ciphertext, shift): lookup = generate_table(shift) out = '' for char in ciphertext: out += lookup[char] return out

# algorithm starts here

# we know the flag ciphertext = ':<M?TLH8<A:KFBG@V' # test for the shift used to get the known part of the flag shift = shift_test(have=':<M?', want='actf') print(f'Shift is: {shift}')

# generate a lookup table and print the flag flag = decipher(ciphertext, shift) print(f"The flag says: {flag}")